中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪ'zʌltənt] 美 [rɪˈzʌltənt]

a. 结果的, 合成的
n. 结果, 合力, 生成物

n. the final point in a process


1. She wants results, let's give her some results.

她要结果 我们就给她些结果看看

2. The individual result, you will get it when you get your academic result.

你们的个人成绩 会和文化课成绩一起发放

3. Arson resulting in murder, armed robbery resulting in murder.

纵火导致杀人 持械抢劫导致杀人

4. And your good numbers are not the result of good feelings, they are the result of good collars.

决定你工作好坏的标准不是市民心情的好坏 而是你抓捕罪犯准不准

5. As a result of state repression, it's harder to advertise and the results of the ads that I do place aren't as good.

由于州政府施压 打广告更难了 我发的广告效果也不如从前

6. Murder, murder, murder, arson resulting in murder, armed robbery resulting in murder.

杀人 杀人 杀人 纵火导致杀人 持械抢劫导致杀人

7. A canvass of all voting machines in precincts where the reported results differ by more than four points from the predicted results.

对预测结果 与实际结果之间的差距 大于四个点的所有选区的投票机 进行调查

8. An election result that is constantly questioned and revised is an election result that I can't trust, and that is why I am here to help, if you will let me.

一场饱受质疑和修改的选举 其结果是我所不能相信的 这也是为什么我来帮你了 如果你愿意的话

9. Now, proving my results means that I take those results and I turn them over to other scientists to see if they can replicate them.

证明我的结论就意味着我拿着结论 将它们交给其他科学家 看他们是否能进行复制

10. It... It might be organic, an injury to the brain because of blood loss or a resultant lack of oxygen, or it could be psychogenic, a result, perhaps, of trauma.

也许是生理上的 大脑受伤 因为失血或者缺氧导致 也可能是心理上的 创伤导致



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

