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音标: 英 ['deɪtə] 美 [ˈdetə, ˈdætə, ˈdɑtə]

pl. 资料, 数据
[计] 数据; DOS内部命令:用于显示或设定系统的日期

n. a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn


1. data shortages, data rationing, data black markets.

数据不足 数据限额 数据黑市

2. No annotating of data hardly any data at all.

没有数据注释 其实几乎没有数据

3. If you have all data, you have the emergent property of the data.

如果你有所有数据 你就能掌握数据的涌现性

4. It is particularly difficult to yze that data when that data isn't here.

如果连数据都没有 我们还怎么分析数据

5. The data I generate is only as good as the data I receive.


6. But these projections would not fit the data, so the data had to change.

但这些预测不符合数据 所以数据必须改变

7. Project the known data against the legacy data and look for anomalies.

将已知数据投射到历史传统数据 寻找异常

8. Theymore than they could store, just data over previous data, layer over layer.

超过储存空间大小 大量的数据 一层叠一层

9. We actually have a data supplier who provides us with these data, these files for us.

其实有一家数据供应商 为我们提供这些数据和资料

10. Two for power, which charge your phone, and two for data, which transfer yes, you guessed it your data.

两个是电源端口 可以给你的手机充电 两个是数据端口 负责传送... 没错 你猜对了 你的数据



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