中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


prep. 包含, 包括
[经] 包括, 算入

v have as a part, be made up out of
v consider as part of something
v add as part of something else; put in as part of a set, group, or category
v allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of


1. They want to feel included, and if you can make them feel included, they will love you for life.

他们想要融入其中 如果你能让他们觉得融入其中 他们会爱你一辈子

2. That grand jury's sole purpose was to expose my organization and everyone with ties to it, including the president, including you favor number one.

大陪审团唯一的目的 就是把我的组织和与其相关的人公布于世 包括总统 包括你 这是恩情一

3. And here I sit at the head of an army of men, each of whom, present company included, has probably at some point considered killing the man he now fights alongside, each of whom, present company included, has certainly considered killing me.

现在我作为一军之首 而这每个人 包括你 在某一时刻可能都曾经想过 杀死现在并肩战斗的战友 每个人 也包括你 肯定都想过杀死我

4. This morning more body parts were delivered to 4 more women, and this time even though he didn't send any handwritten messages, our unsub wasn't shy about including everything else, including the male victim's head.

今天早晨 又有四名女性收到了碎尸 虽然这次嫌犯 并没有邮寄任何手写留言 可他并没有羞于邮寄其他东西 包括男性被害人的头部

5. And he's not including you in that expansion.


6. You didn't have to include me in this operation, but you did.

你的行动里本可以没有我 但你加了我

7. I have a life here and it doesn't include you.

我在这里有我的生活 不包含你的存在

8. I'm mad because you didn't include me.


9. I didn't mean to include you in all that.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

