中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [pɪkˈtɔ:rɪəl] 美 [pɪkˈtɔrɪəl,-ˈtor-]

a. 绘画的, 插图的, 用图画表示的, 形象化的, 有象形文字特征的
n. 画报, 画刊, 有图邮票, 插图杂志, 插图报纸

n. a periodical (magazine or newspaper) containing many pictures
a. pertaining to or consisting of pictures


1. Abandoning pictoriali once and for all, along with anything else that diminished the brilliance and clarity of his subject matter.

他从此彻底摈弃了画意摄影 也一并抛弃了 会削减被摄物的光辉与清晰度的手法

2. Egyptian writing was based on pictorial symbols that represented words rather than individual letters.

埃及文字是以图示符号为基础的 它们不是字母而是词语

3. Disappointed that they conveyed so little of what he had seen and felt at the moment of exposure, he set out to learn everything he could about the photographic process teaching himself how to develop and print his own negatives, and experimenting with different approaches including pictoriali , the painterly, softfocus style then in vogue, that in the name of art sought to soften and blur the photographic image.

这些照片仅仅传达出 拍摄瞬间他所见所感的极小一部分 这令他感到失望 他于是开始竭其所能地 学习摄影技术 自学如何冲印底片 并用不同方法进行试验 包括画意摄影 这是当时流行的一种绘画般的柔焦风格 以艺术的名义 追求照片柔和化和模糊化



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

