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音标: 英 [ˌnɪəuˈkɔ:teks] 美 [ˌnɪoˈkɔrˌtɛks]

[医] 新[大脑]皮质

n the cortical part of the neencephalon


1. In fact, they represent a very special bit of the brain, they represent the grey matter on the outside that we call the neocortex, and we've scaled it to body size, so this must be an animal with a very all amount of neocortex, and this must be an animal with a large amount of neocortex.

事实上 它们代表大脑中特殊的部分 它们代表外部的大脑灰质 我们称之为新皮质 根据体型大小排列 这肯定是一种新皮质非常少的动物 这绝对是一种新皮质非常多的动物

2. Her neocortex was destroyed, but her paleocortex must have remained intact.

她的新皮质遭到破坏 但旧皮质肯定没受损伤

3. I'll be monitoring vitals, theta rhythms, stable neocortex.

我会监视生命体征 θ波[脑电波] 和皮层诱发电位

4. Studies indicate the larger the neocortex of a species, meaning the more intelligent it is, the more likely it is to be deceptive.

研究表明一個物種的大腦皮層面積越大 意味著它更有智慧 更可能欺騙他人

5. It divides parts of the brain related to vision from the rest of the neocortex, which is where more complex thought happens.

将大脑中和视觉有关的部分 与其他更为复杂负责思维发生的 大脑皮质部分区分开

6. The human brain doesn't have this deep furrow, and the neocortex is bigger than the vision structures, which have moved far to the back.

人类的大脑没有这个深褶皱 大脑皮质区也要比视觉结构面积大 在人类视觉区远远的移到了大脑的后部



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