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音标: 英 [fæ'stɪdɪəsnəs] 美 [fæ'stɪdɪrsnəs]

n. 一丝不苟;严格

n. the trait of being meticulous about matters of taste or style


1. Not to mention your tidy little hips, your vanity and fastidiousness.

更别提你的小翘臀了 而且你自负 并且挑剔

2. My sister was many things, honest and fastidious being two.

我姐姐有很多品质 其中两个是诚实和一丝不苟

3. I see I must be uncommonly and fastidiously delicate in leading her into my own ways.

我知道我必须极其谨小慎微地 让她跟我走

4. I mean, for a man who once took his pleasure with human cadavers, he was fastidious.

作为一个曾经用尸体 取得欢愉的人 他很挑剔

5. Stanley was always fastidious about making women who don't fall in love with him... disappear.

斯坦利总是在让不爱他的女人消失 这件事上 很讲究

6. They are very fastidious and constantly check to make sure that the gardens are kept clean and properly watered.

它们非常谨慎 不停地检查 为了确保 菜园干净清洁并且水分合适

7. Cellini was fastidious in recording his many ingenious techniques and his writings remain a bible of the gold ith's art.

切里尼严谨地记录下了他很多的独创技术 他的著作被被誉为金匠艺术的圣经

8. Now, I will need a touch more help clearing something across your notoriously fastidious border.

现在 我需要你帮忙 让一个东西通过你那出了名难搞的边境



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

