中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌkwɪntɪ'senʃl] 美 [ˌkwɪntəˈsɛnʃəl]

a. 精萃的, 精髓的, 典范的

a. representing the perfect example of a class or quality


1. Braaing is quintessential, we're keeping it very plain, very simple.

露天烧烤要显出食材本质 我们的做法非常朴实无华

2. The quintessential fantasy in the 20th century for postapocalyptic is you, your car, and your gun.

二十世纪对后末世生活的典型幻想 就是一人 一车 一把枪

3. Up until yesterday, thanks to your excessive sexual exploits, you were the quintessential culprits.

直到昨天 因为你过分的性行为 你还是个完美的罪犯

4. Airy with colour and light, it's an exercise in that quintessentially 18thcentury occupation, the pursuit of happiness.

无忧无虑的色彩光线是十八世纪画家 最典型的风格 也就是对于快乐的追求

5. Connoisseurs of Italy find the quintessential charms of this country in its many characteristic hill towns.

意大利鉴赏家发现 这个国家的精髓之处 在于其别具特色的山村小镇

6. Fjords like these are so quintessentially picturesque that they've come to define our romantic vision of the north sublime, savage and quite overpowering.

这些峡湾是如此如画般典雅 不禁让人如此定义北方的传奇景观 庄严 原始 令人难以抗拒



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

