中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˌri:'treɪn] 美 [riˈtren]

vt. 重新训练, 再训练

v. teach new skills
v. train again


1. Let's do it. ... retrain your brain.

我们就这么做 重新训练你的大脑

2. No, he couldn't afford to retrain, so he's out all the time.

不 他负担不起再教育 所以他长时间不回家

3. Then you're gonna spend your off shift retraining at the academy.

而且你下班后 要去学院重训

4. Panel recommends four hours of field retraining.


5. I've been staring at these scans all afternoon in a mirror trying to retrain my brain.

我盯着镜子里的扫描图 看了一下午 想要训练我的大脑

6. Which is why the proposal also funds retraining and recruitment from diverse backgrounds.

所以我们的提案也会资助 多样化背景人群的再培训与招募

7. It's gonna take a lot more time to retrain his brain to control his impulses and think clearly.

要恢复他的大脑 让其能再次控制冲动 进行清晰思考还需要很久

8. By studying this fake account and its behaviour, they should be able to retrain their artificial intelligence to block any others like them, and in doing so, hopefully prevent any users from being scammed.

通过研究这个虚假账户和它的活动 他们应该能够重新训练人工智能 屏蔽其他类似的账户 这样一来 希望能阻止诈骗行为

9. The staff needs to be retrained to identify early signs of heat exhaustion, the players need more down time between practices, and you need to cease all twoadays when the temperature is above 90 degrees.

你们的员工需要重新接受培训 以便能识别中暑衰竭的早期症状 球员需要更多休息时间 气温达到32摄氏度以上时 你该叫停所有的两天联训



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

