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音标: 英 [prəˈfeʃənəlɪzəm] 美 [prəˈfɛʃənəˌlɪzəm]

n. 职业特性, 专业技巧, 职业行为, 职业作风, (褒)专业人员的特质, 职业化
[经] 职业特性, 职业作风, 职业化

n. the expertness characteristic of a professional person


1. You're here in a professional capacity, and you're being professional.

你来这里是职业所需 你也保持了专业精神

2. I'm an entrepreneur, professional, and I only work with other professionals.

我是个创业者 专业人士 而且我只和专业人士合作

3. No, he told me to leave it to the professionals, and I'm a professional.

不 他让我交给专业人员处理 而我就是专业的

4. I expect a certain level of professionali from my professional assassins.

我希望冲我来的专业杀手们 有点专业素质

5. This is what I do. I'm a professional.

我就是干这个的 是专业人士

6. He's a professional and this is what he does.

他是个专业人士 这是他的专长

7. It was not the right move to make professionally because blondes, generally, are more desired on the internet but I wanna do what I wanna do and I'm not gonna live my life based on my professional career.

从专业角度上来说并不是正确的做法 因为金发女郎在网上更受喜爱 但我想做自己想做的事 而且我不会让职业生涯来决定我的生活

8. The fact is, the mayor's willing to take any action that the public health professionals advise him to take, and what they're saying, right now, those professionals, is that closing the baths won't help.

事实就是 市长愿意采取任何 公共健康专家所建议的行动 这些专家现在的说法就是 关闭澡堂不会有任何帮助

9. But we do have some concerns about him professionally.


10. This is a professional disaster for you.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

