中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [jel] 美 [jɛl]

vi. 叫喊, 大叫, (齐声)呐喊欢呼
vt. 喊叫着说
n. 叫声, 喊声, 呐喊

v. utter or declare in a very loud voice


1. I didn't yell, I don't yell. I don't have to yell.

我没有大喊大叫 我不会大喊大叫 没这必要

2. How did it go from him yelling at me? I'm yelling at him.

怎么变成他吼我了 明明是我在吼他啊

3. I'm sorry I yelled. I shouldn't have yelled.

对不起我吼你了 我不该大喊大叫的

4. Who the hell is yelling? I heard yelling.

是谁在大喊大叫 我听见了

5. Stop yelling. I can't cook if you're yelling.

别再吼了 你们再吼 我就没法做饭了

6. I'm not going to be yelling at you, but I probably am going to yell.

我不想吼你 但我可能会吼

7. But then she started yelling and and so, of course, I yelled back.

然后她就开始冲我大喊大叫 当然啦 我还嘴了

8. Ah, you're not yelling, but it feels like you're yelling.

你没在吼 但却给人一种在大吼的感觉

9. Stop yelling at me! I'll yell at you as much as I want.

别冲我吼了 我想怎么吼你就怎么吼

10. You need to get yelled at, you're gonna get yelled at.

你们要被教训 你们会被教训



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

