中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ˈskwi:kə(r)] 美 [ˈskwikɚ]

n. 吱吱叫的东西, 小猪, 雏鸽

n. any artifact that makes a squeaking sound when used


1. It was a real squeaker, but, you know, passing is passing.

勉强过关 但及格还是及格啊

2. Alright take 10, when we get back the squeaker is on.

休息10分钟 回来后小毛孩上

3. If it's a squeaker folks will ell blood once it gets to the floor.

如果优势不够压倒性 墙倒众人推 破鼓万人锤

4. You know, I once played a bipartisan rat in the animated film squeaker of the house.

我曾经 为动画片《吱吱宫》中的 两党老鼠配音

5. You stick that way up ye nether mouth, ye'll no get a squeaker.

你把海绵塞进 就不会生小孩了

6. This little guy here might look innocent, but boy, he goes right for the squeaker if you know what I mean.

这只小家伙看起来天然无公害 但它能挠的你哇哇乱叫

7. I'd like you to realize, someday, that a nice, sweet guy who just happens to have a little squeaker is just as attractive as a guy with a blueribbon hog that's ready for market.

我希望你们终有一天能明白 一个善良体贴的男人 即使鸡鸡再小 也跟有着大马 的男人 一样受欢迎



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

