中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rəʊv] 美 [rov]

n. 徘徊, 粗纺, 流浪
vt. 漂泊于, 漫游于
vi. 流浪, 飘忽不定

v move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
v pass a rope through
v pass through a hole or opening
v fasten by passing through a hole or around something


1. More like a roving, popup sex party.

更像是流动举办的 聚会

2. Tait's pack attract a band of roving males.


3. Check the blind spots, get a roving patrol.

把盲点检查一下 然后开始巡逻

4. When roving packs of mutants start swarming this place, don't say I didn't warn you.

等异形开始入侵的时候 别怪我没提醒过你啊

5. And frankly, roving pack of starving lions really cuts down on tourist trade.

而且 一群四处游荡的饥饿狮子 也很让旅 业受影响

6. As night falls in the nation's capital, there are reports of angry and griefstricken crowds roving the streets.

首都夜幕已经降临 报道称很多愤怒悲伤的民众 在街上徘徊

7. Predation, blow flies and rove beetles put time of death between eight and ten days.

丽蝇 隐翅虫在此进食 死亡时间 约为八至十天

8. When rats are in confined places and their tails get intertwined, they move as one, a roving tumbleweed of diseaseridden rodents.

当老鼠处于有限空间里时 它们的尾巴缠在一起 作为一个整体移动 像一团在漫游的疾病缠身的啮齿目动物组成的风滚草

9. It roves around and we're able to map, look at items of interest, do sample collection, try to do spectroscopy and learn about this new world.

它漫步四周而我们可以绘制地图 查看我们感兴趣的东西 做样品采集 尝试做光谱分析并了解这个新世界

10. Mark me, in life, my spirit never walked beyond our countinghouse, never roved beyond the narrow limits of our moneychanging hole.

记住 生前我从未走出 我们的账房半步 我们一直活在像钱眼一样 狭小的世界



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

