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音标: 英 [əˈsɪdətɪ] 美 [əˈsɪdɪtɪ]

n. 酸性
[化] 酸度; 酸性; 酸性反应

n. the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth
n. pH values below 7


1. Okay, it's acid. I'm dropping you in a pool of acid.

好吧 是酸 我要把你们扔进一缸酸里

2. Hydrofluoric acid is a less powerful acid than its brethren.


3. Methane, hydrogen, ammonia, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids.

甲烷 氢气 氨气 氨基酸 蛋白质 核酸

4. It keeps the level of fatty acids in the blood down, which helps because fatty acids are thought to make the unstable.

它把血液里脂肪酸保持在比较低的水平 这有助于健康 因为 脂肪酸能够使得心脏电波不稳定

5. There's no doubt that it is a very dangerous and potentially lethal acid, but when it comes to turning a body into mulch in a few minutes, it's not the acid of choice.

毫无疑问氢氟酸是一种非常危险 且有可能致命的酸 但如果要将一具尸体在几分钟内化为腐物 氢氟酸并不是最好的选择

6. Every drop that falls from the sky, every drop that sinks through the ground, is turning to acid, and that acid is very slowly dissolving the whole state.

从天空落下的每一滴雨 浸入地面的每一滴水 都变成了酸 而这种酸正十分缓慢地腐蚀着整个州

7. He'd done a demonstration with sulfuric acid, and the next day, one of his students, not realizing how dangerous the acid was, he accidentally splashed my father's shoulder and arm with it.

他有天在课堂上做了硫酸的演示 结果第二天 他的一位学生 在没有意识到硫酸有多危险的情况下 不小心把硫酸泼到了 我父亲的肩膀和手臂上

8. We should go back out to the site with 30 gallons of our specialsauce acid and a bathtub made of something maybe not a cheese, but of something that can be acted upon by our acid.

我们这就回到实验室 准备120升特制的酸性物质 以及由其它材料制成的浴缸 当然不是奶酪做的 我们要根据实验室的测试结果

9. The acid murder case, which has been dominating the press for the last three months, has seen a total of seven bodies discovered across the city, their faces brutally burnt with acid in order to conceal their identities.

浓酸谋杀案 近三个月来一直占据着媒体头条 全城一共发现七具尸体 面部均被浓酸严重烧伤 以隐藏死者身份

10. With, I think, all samples of each of the substances the acid's supposed to have eaten through like ceramic for the bath, steel for the gun, but pig bone and pig flesh for the body, and wood for the floor, and see if the acid actually reacts with it.

我认为得从要被测试的素材中 提取小样本来进行测试 如用陶瓷代替鱼缸 铁块代替枪 猪骨和猪肉代替尸体 木头代替地板 看看酸对其否能发挥作用



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