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音标: 英 [ˈpɪtɪd] 美 [ˈpɪtɪd]

a. 有凹痕的, 有麻点的, 去核的

v set into opposition or rivalry
v mark with a scar
v remove the pits from
s pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb)


1. If you are in the pit... If you are in the pit then I am in the pit.

如果你在深坑 如果你在 深坑 我与你同在深坑

2. Yes, I went down the pits, this pit.

是的 我下矿井 就是这个

3. If... If you are in heaven, then I am in heaven if you are in the pit, then I am in the pit.

如果你在天堂 我与你同在天堂 如果你在深坑 我与你同在深坑

4. When I was out there, they had me in this pit.

我在外面的时候 他们让我下到一个井里

5. I love the ball pit. I really love the ball pit.

我最爱球池了 好爱好爱

6. I'll have my pension on it that's a pit bull stolen, and he's a pit bull handler.

我敢拿我的养老金打赌 是他的斗犬 了 他是个斗犬驯师

7. This one started out in a pit of mud and ended in a pit of mud.

由泥浆而起 结果也是一滩烂泥

8. I'm never going back to the pit unless the pit is a cool diner where teens hang out.

我再也不要回去了 除非那儿有冷气可以吹 有男生可以泡

9. Well, the porous nature of the bones and the irregular pitting on the surface indicates that the remains weren't in the pit for very long.

尸骨的多孔性 和表面不规则空洞表明 尸体在井中时间不长

10. I would like access to the pit at any time, and there will be a £500 penalty incurred should any water be turned on the pit at any point in the future.

我任何时候去矿井都可以 将来不管什么时候 只要矿井里出水 就要罚款500镑



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

