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音标: 英 [ˈvi:nəs] 美 [ˈvinəs]

a. 静脉的, 在静脉中的, 有脉的
[医] 静脉的

a. of or contained in or performing the function of the veins


1. I sampled venous, arterial, and ventricular blood.

我从静脉 动脉和心室取了血样

2. She must have torn her hypogastric artery, venous plexus.

她一定是下腹动脉破裂了 还有静脉丛

3. I need the venous and the arterial circuits flushed and ready to go.

用生理盐水冲洗动静脉管路 准备好备用

4. Whenever they elevate the heart to make the repair, it cuts off his venous return.

他们只要一抬高心脏进行修复 静脉回流就会被切断

5. Right, well, either it caromed to your midsection, or it hitched a ride up through your venous system.

对 要么是子弹反弹进入了你的躯干部 要么是被静脉系统冲进去的

6. Left and right jugular veins are connected by a venous arc we injured during retraction.

左右劲静脉由一根我们在拉钩时 损伤的静脉弧连接着

7. However, we still don't have a clear enough image of their liver's venous system to determine if it can be split.

但是 我们还看不清她们身体内 肝脏静脉系统的分部 不确定能否进行分离

8. It causes the blood vessels in different parts of the body to form fragile bundles called arterial venous malformations.

它会导致身体各处的血管 纠缠成脆弱的束 叫做动静脉畸形



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