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音标: 英 ['fæləsɪ] 美 [ˈfæləsɪ]

n. 错误的观念(或信念), 谬见, 谬论
[医] 错觉, 幻觉, 虚妄

n. a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning


1. That is called "whatabouti ," and it's a logical fallacy.

这叫"转移话题" 是逻辑谬论

2. Wow. III don't know which fallacy to start with.


3. One man's truth is another man's fallacy.


4. Let's just call it ‭the fallacy of sunk costs.


5. But we're talking about conspiracy theorists here, and a lot of them suffer from association fallacy.

但是我们谈论的可是阴谋论者 他们中很多人都有联想谬论

6. It's their fallacy to think everyone can be controlled simply because they've been studied.

但是他们也不该认为人人皆可控制 仅仅因为他们研究过

7. The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well, that's what the preacher sells, same as a shrink.

期待光明就在黑暗尽头 这一存在论的谬论 这就是传道士的伎俩 跟精神病医生的手法一样

8. My parents felt that it would stunt the development of my intellection rigor to expose me to supernatural fallacies during my formative years.

我父母认为 在我的成长岁月里 接触这些超自然的谬论 会让我的思维严谨度受到破坏

9. As you see, there are a number of equivocation fallacies either traveling from the general to the specific, or vice versa, but even more common is the manipulation of a syllogi in which different meanings of a key term are substituted.

如你们所见 有很多 含糊其辞的谬误 要么是 从普遍到特定 要么反过来 但更常见的是对三段论的操纵 一个关键术语的不同意思被替代



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

