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音标: 英 [haɪˈdrɒksaɪd] 美 [haɪˈdrɑkˌsaɪd]

n. 氢氧化物
[化] 氢氧化物

n. a compound of an oxide with water
n. a chemical compound containing the hydroxyl group


1. Bad news is, sodium hydroxide will eat up these remains.

坏消息是 氢氧化钠会腐蚀遗骸

2. So it was ethanol, isoprenol, chlorobenzyl phenol, potassium hydroxide cocktail.

我发现了乙醇 异戊二烯醇 氯苄基苯酚和氢氧化钾的混合物

3. The sandhogs were fixing the leak with mortar made with calcium hydroxide.


4. We found a fissure that we promptly fixed with the calcium hydroxide mortar.

我们发现了一道裂痕 用石灰砂浆 做了相应的修补措施

5. But I found a high concentration of methanol and sodium hydroxide mixed in.


6. According to the spectrometer, it's ten percent unknown protein and 90% ferric hydroxide.

据光谱仪显示 这上面有百分之十的未知蛋白质 和百分之九十的氢氧化铁

7. From what I can tell, it's an anhydrous sodium hydroxide with an accelerated cobalt chloride complex.

就我观察来看 这是无水氢氧化钠 配以加速反应二氯化钴化合物

8. Calcium hydroxide plus fluoride will harden that chemical sludge like cement.

氢氧化钙遇氟化物 会把那堆化学物质像水泥一样变硬

9. Then maybe you can tell the class what happens when you mix sodium hydroxide and hot water.

也许你能告诉班上的同学们 把氢氧化钠和热水混合时会怎么样

10. Established in 1982, manufactures hydrogen gas and sodium hydroxide and also simple chlorine used for swimming pools.

1982年成立 生产氢气和氢氧化钠 还有用来净化泳池的氯气



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

