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音标: 英 [mju:ˈteɪt] 美 [ˈmju:teɪt]

vi. 变化, 产生变异, 变化元音
vt. 使变异

v. undergo mutation


1. It's a mutation, it's a very groovy mutation.

这是种突变 一种非常时髦的突变

2. And if a mutation has happened in either that egg nucleus or that sperm nucleus, then there's the capacity for those mutations to be passed on to the next generation, so for those mutations to be inherited.

如果在卵子的细胞核 或者 的细胞核中发生了突变 那么这些突变则有机会 传给下一代 因此这些突变可以被遗传

3. Nelson, I discovered a mutation, a mutation that would allow us to augment the human mind.

尼尔森 我发现了一种基因突变 一种可以扩张人类思维的突变

4. And the older you get, the more chance your p53 gene has to acquire mutations because mutations can happen throughout the lifetime of a cell.

年龄越大 p53基因发生突变的几率越高 因为在细胞的生命周期中 突变随时会发生

5. Mutation's go from single cell organi s to being the dominate form of reproductive life on this planet, infinite forms of variations with each generation all through mutation.

突变让单细胞生物进化成 这颗星球上占绝对主导地位的 可以繁殖的生命体 每一代都会发生各种不同的变化 都是通过突变形成的

6. I believe that if we introduce the mother cell into the dna of a mutated animal, we could possibly synthesize a cure, but here's the problem: in order to do that, we need an animal who has mutated and has not been exposed to the mother cell.

我认为如果我们将母细胞 引入变异动物的DNA中 就可能能制造出解药 但问题是 要这样做 我们就需要 已变异但未接触过母细胞的动物

7. No it's not harmless. It's mutating.

不 它是有害的 它在变异

8. We had we had reports of possible mutation.

我们 我们收到过关于病毒变异的报告

9. Once the mutation has started, it cannot be stopped.

一旦突变开始 就无法停下

10. that's when it's active, when it can mutate.




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