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音标: 英 [ˈpɒɪzənə(r)] 美 [ˈpɒɪzənər]

n. 放毒人, 毒死他人者
[法] 投毒者, 毒害者, 毒物

n. someone who kills with poison


1. We poison them so that they poison the enemy.

给牛下毒 牛会毒杀敌人

2. So, we could prove that he was poisoned, but we have no proof that he was poisoned.

所以我们知道他被下毒了 但没有证据

3. Why are you poisoning people? I'm not poisoning anyone.

你为什么要下毒害人 我没有给人下毒

4. He had food poisoning, he still has food poisoning.

他之前食物中毒了 现在还是食物中毒

5. But it's not poison, and it's what we have.

但这不是毒药 我们也只有这个

6. And I said, real people are digging up that dirt, and it's poison. It's poison.

让人去挖那些土 那都是有毒的土

7. And I reach up on top of the fridge, and get down the poison, the rat poison.

于是我从冰箱顶上 拿到了那瓶毒药 老鼠药

8. Did you poison it? I thought about it, but a woman using poison as a murder weapon is so cliché.

你下毒了吗 我倒是想 但是女人下毒杀人的套路实在太狗血了

9. Your group was pretendkilled by poison last week, and this week, your dungeon master was reallifekilled by poison.

你的小队上周假装被毒杀了 这周 地下城主就真的被杀了

10. But what I don't get... here's a man who's willing to, oh, say, poison a whole town with some filthy plague to advance his position an inch, but unwilling to poison a single man to advance his position a mile.

但我不明白的是 为什么有人会用肮脏的瘟疫 毒害一城镇的人 只为前进一寸 但却不愿毒害一个人 前进一英里呢



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