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音标: 英 [dʒi:n] 美 [dʒin]

n. 基因
[化] 基因(遗传因子)

n. (genetics) a segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons; it is considered a unit of heredity


1. And the idea was that if there was a human gene that did the same job as the gene that's defective here, if the yeast took it up, then it could substitute the defective yeast gene.

我们的想法是 如果有人类基因 和这个有缺陷的基因做同样的工作 如果酵母吸收了它们 就可以替代有缺陷的酵母基因

2. It's the gene, isn't it, the selfish gene, passing itself around.

就是这基因 不是吗 那个自我的基因 代代相传

3. And what we want to try and do is put a working copy of the gene back into those cells, so they now have the correct gene, the gene works, it makes the right signals to be able to correct that disease.

我们所做的就是把一个正常的基因副本 重新放回细胞里 这样它们就有正确的基因了 基因起作用 就能发出正确的信号 借此能够治愈疾病

4. It's just the expression of them which genes... which cells switch on which genes which is different.

只是它们的表达 哪个基因 不同点在于哪个细胞表达哪些基因

5. Well, what you kan do is you can look to see if there is a gene the same as the gene here in humans.

你可以在人体内寻找 是否有一样的基因

6. Evidence suggests the presence of a mutator gene that has activated dormant genes.

证据显示有一种诱变基因 激发了潜伏的基因

7. You don't have it in you to do anything that bold, because I'm the one who got the boldness gene and the goodeyebrow gene.

你可没有做这种事的胆识 因为我继承了父母的大胆 和好看的眉毛

8. This is for how rad your genes and my genes are gonna look together in a new human.

这一朵的理由是 你和我的基因 结合在一起会创造出外貌出众的后代

9. The answer, as we shall see, lies not just in what genes we have, but whether or not these genes are even switched on.

答案不仅藏在我们拥有的基因里 还在于这些基因是否被表达

10. And we've been fiddling around with worm genes, and she's been fiddling around with a particular gene, and we've never done this experiment before.

我们在改造线虫的基因 她正在处理一个特别的基因 我们之前从没做过这个实验



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