中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ʌnˈhelpfl] 美 [ʌnˈhelpfl]

a. 不起帮助作用的, 无用的, 无益的, 不予帮助的, 不予合作的

a. providing no assistance


1. People said she was unhelpful, even rude.

人们说她不愿帮忙 还非常粗鲁

2. Thanks for being supercryptic in a really unhelpful way.


3. Amelia, witness statements are inaccurate and unhelpful.

阿米莉亚 证人陈述不准确 没有帮助

4. Following to your arrest, your statement to the examining magistrate was unhelpful.

你被捕之后 你对地方预审法官说的话对你不利

5. Yeah, I now really see how unhelpful that quality is.


6. That is a person who delights in acting in an obstructive or otherwise unhelpful manner, as in, "I can't do that.

这种人喜欢 阻挠别人或是拒绝配合 说什么"这我办不到

7. She might have got the idea that I'm unpleasant and unhelpful and shorttempered, which I'm not, as a rule.

她可能会觉得我不好相处 不愿意帮人又脾气暴躁 但我正常情况下不是这样的

8. I will be taking over her duties, such as playing with my hair or interrupting with unhelpful musings about journalistic integrity.

我来负责她的工作 玩玩头发 或者用对新闻真实性的无聊思考 来打断别人

9. Let me guess the handicapped stall's out of order, the wheelchair seating's been sold to people without wheelchairs, the lift's filled up with boxes, and your staff is patronizing and unhelpful.

让我猜猜 残疾人厕所停用 轮椅座位被卖给了 没有轮椅的人 残疾人电梯堆满了盒子 你们的员工傲慢且不给予帮助



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

