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音标: 英 [bæˈget] 美 [bæˈɡɛt]

n. 法国棍子面包

n narrow French stick loaf


1. I'm wearing a beret. I have a baguette.

我戴着法式贝雷帽 包里还有法式长棍

2. Of course it wouldn't, it would go with a flaky baguette.

当然不行 杏仁酱就该配 法式长棍切片

3. Having a cheese and tomato baguette and a packet of crisps.

我点了份番茄芝士法棍 和一袋薯片

4. Just having a baguette, thinking about you, missing you, au revoir.

正在吃法棍 就想到你了 想念你 再见

5. I give you money for your bills, and you go out and you blow it on baguettes.

我给你钱付账单 而你却把钱 全花在买面包上

6. Something in a brilliant cut, perhaps with complementary baguettes.


7. Yeah, but they have no problem with the baguettes and the berets and the accordion music.

但他们也能接受法棍 贝雷帽和手风琴曲

8. You've gotta go out there, and you've gotta liaise them up the a with a very cheesy baguette.

你得過去 你得用拉絲法棍告訴他們最新情況

9. At least tell us whether the president is a breadstick or a baguette.

至少告诉我们总统 是油条还是法棍

10. All you ever asked for was a roof over your head and the occasional s'more in a baguette.

而你只要有个住的地方 有时候来点夹心法棍罢了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

