中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['bændɪd] 美 [ˈbændɪd]

a. 有带子的

a. identified with a band especially around a leg
s. marked with bands or strips of contrasting color or texture
s. characterized by a band of especially white around the body


1. But we met through being in carnival bands, marching bands.

我们是在狂欢节乐队认识的 乐队

2. We know that band, we love that band, and we remember that you're doing that.

我们知道那乐队 也很喜欢 我们记得你这次工作

3. Because if you do, you're out of the band.

如果你这样 你就滚出乐团吧

4. They rhyme "merry band" with "merry band" a lot.


5. And now, somehow, I'm in a band a real band that people have heard of.

现在 我成了一个乐队的成员 一个为人所知的真正的乐队

6. We thought we were a mixture of a funk band and a rock band, somehow or other.

我们总认为我们的乐队算是 放克和摇滚的混合体

7. Not only is the band getting back together, but the band's gonna have a baby.

这个团队要重组 而且就要有孩子了

8. Oh, a guitar modern band, a guitar modern band.

一支现代吉他乐队 一支现代吉他乐队啊

9. Especially where one band member is another band member's alibi.

特别是那些乐队成员之间 相互作不在场证明的

10. I told her I was gonna put a band together and she's like, I wanna be in a band.

我告诉她我要组建一个乐队 然后她说 我想加入



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

