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音标: 英 [ˌləʊkəˈməʊtɪv] 美 [ˌlokəˈmotɪv]

n. 火车头, 机车
a. 运转的, 火车头的, 移动的

n. a wheeled vehicle consisting of a self-propelled engine that is used to draw trains along railway tracks
a. of or relating to locomotion


1. It's a locomotive engine in there. Imagine the sound of that.

里面是台机车发动机 想想那声音吧

2. It's pulled by a 4axle 3,000horsepower locomotive.

它的火车头为四轴 能输出三千马力

3. The locomotive is 1/87th the size of the actual train.


4. But our dynamic duo are covering all of their bases and taking human locomotion out of the equation.

但我们活力四射的二人组力求面面俱到 摆脱了人体移动的束缚

5. We narrowly escaped death when a locomotive train missed us by inches.

有一次 一辆火车 与我们擦身而过 我们差点命丧黄泉

6. We're gonna see some basic physical functions, simple locomotive movements and speech.

我们将看到一些基本的生理功能 简单的移动及说话能力

7. So, often on the front of the locomotive is a large iron wedge for clearing objects off the tracks.

通常在火车头前面 有一个大铁楔 用来清理铁轨上的东西

8. I hear locomotive oke is the second leading cause of death among train aficionados.

我听说火车头的烟 是火车宅们第二大死因

9. A locomotive carving steadfast and sure towards our fabulous future, the future we have dared to dream.

机车头坚定不移地 驶向我们美丽的未来 一个我们敢去畅想的未来

10. The future comes at us like a free train with as much empathy for our wellbeing as a locomotive would have.

未来就像一辆脱轨的火车朝我们开来 而不考虑我们的安康 就如同火车头移动一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

