中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [dæb] 美 [dæb]

n. 少量, 轻拍, 比目鱼, 熟手
v. 轻拍, 轻擦

n. a small quantity of something moist or liquid
v. apply (usually a liquid) to a surface
v. hit lightly


1. And a plain turkey with a tiny dab of mayo, and an even tinier dab of mustard.

火鸡 配少许蛋黄酱 和更少许的芥末酱

2. I'm not, but don't keep dabbing the brakes.

我没有 但你别一直踩刹车

3. Always thought myself a dab hand at the spices.


4. Now is the tight righthander, so a dab of brakes.

这是那个长右弯 所以 点一下刹车

5. It is ack dab in the middle of our elevator shaft.


6. Once she dabs her eyes with this, she'll really have something to cry about.

一旦她用这个拭泪 就真的有她哭得了

7. You're supposed to dab, not scrub with carpet, usually.

你应该轻轻擦 地毯一般不能刷

8. Take a few deep breaths and then you dab your tzone, lightly.

深呼吸 然后輕輕擦你的額頭

9. dab a bit on your finger and rub it into your baby's gums.

抹在手指上 擦在宝宝牙龈上

10. So, dab your sponge into the paint, just like you did with the circle.

用海綿蘸取顏料 和剛才畫圓一樣



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

