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音标: 英 ['bɜ:dɪŋ] 美 ['bɜ:rdɪŋ]

捕鸟, 玩鸟

v watch and study birds in their natural habitat


1. Thanks to you, that bird has his whole bird life ahead of him, to fly, meet lady birds, even start a bird family.

因为你 那只鸟才得以拥有整个鸟生 得以飞翔 遇到鸟姑娘 甚至组建鸟家庭

2. Now, I've got a clip of a bird doing some deception, a bird using communication to lie to other birds.

这里有一段视频展示了一只鸟施展骗术 这只鸟利用交流对其他鸟说谎

3. Right, so when you see that bird it's the same bird, only it isn't.

对 你看到新生的鸟以为还是原来那只 可它并不是

4. That bird we found, that broken bird.

我们找到的那只鸟 那只受伤的鸟

5. well,i think,i heard him say something about a pet bird it was sick. bird flu yeah he had to rush and say goodbye and he,he taught the bird how to say goodbye and you know what? the bird's sick let's just leave it at that oh,uh,well,that's too bad.

我听到他讲到宠物鸟什么的 好像病了 禽流感 他得赶回去见最后一面 他以前教过那只鸟怎么道别 知道吗? 那鸟病了 到此为止吧 是啊 太糟糕了

6. Hey, look I'm giving those birds the bird.

瞧瞧 我在给这些火鸡竖中指

7. The bird never gets to be the main bird.


8. Sometimes a bird sanctuary is just a bird sanctuary.

有时候鸟类保护区 真的就只是鸟类保护区

9. In these forests lives a bird that is about as unbirdlike as it is possible for a bird to be.

在这片树林中生活着 一种最不像鸟的鸟类

10. And, you know what they say, the early bird gets to cook the bird.

你也知道那句话的 早起的鸟儿有鸡煮



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

