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音标: 英 ['fɔ:stəɪŋ] 美 ['fɔ:stəɪŋ]

v. 哺育;养育(foster的现在分词)

n. encouragement; aiding the development of something


1. You know, it's not the foster parents you have to worry about, it's the foster kids.

要担心的不是寄养家庭的父母 而是寄养的孩子

2. So I drifted from foster home to foster home, some nice, some not so nice.

于是我从一个寄养家庭换到另一个寄养家庭 有些不错 有些很糟

3. Lifelong depression, suicide attempt, rejected from foster home after foster home.

长期抑郁 自杀未遂 被一个又一个的寄养家庭拒绝

4. I went from foster home to foster home, just trying to get by with no idea where I belonged.

我从一个寄宿家庭到另一个寄宿家庭 不知道我属于哪里只想过平静的生活

5. You can threaten me with all the subpoenas you want, the files of foster children, of minor foster children, are protected from scrutiny.

你可以随意用传票威胁我 领养儿童的档案 尤其是未成年领养儿童 可以不接受审查

6. one of our foster brothers accidentally broke this little red hat lady figurine thing, and when our foster mom found out, she she blew up.

一起寄养的一个孩子不小心 弄坏了一个红帽子小妇人雕像 我们养母发现后 她非常生气

7. The doc is dead to me. I know bouncing from foster home to foster home, you probably feel like people let you down your whole life.

医生对我来说就是死了 我知道 辗转于一个个寄养家庭之间 你可能一直觉得别人在让你失望

8. Ripped from the comfort of a family and taken by cops, the foster boy, a broken toy, a plaything, now a victim going through revolving doors of a foster care system.

警察使我离散温馨的家 寄人篱下 身心破碎 沦为玩物 深受其害 反复辗转轮回 于寄养系统

9. I can't be her foster parent if that's what this is about.

我不能收养她 如果你是因为这个来找我

10. He was my foster brother for a while.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

