中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [neɪld] 美 [neɪld]

a. 用钉钉牢的

v attach something somewhere by means of nails
v take into custody
v hit hard
v succeed in obtaining a position
v succeed at easily
v locate exactly
v complete a pass


1. You nailed it! I didn't nail it. I embarrassed myself in front of the school.

你搞定了 没有 我在全校人面前把脸丢尽了

2. I'd take a nail in the head to nail that any day.


3. No, baby, this is as real as the nails under my acrylic nails.

不 宝贝 我对他像美甲下的指甲一样真

4. But, in this case, I think there's more to it than that, because the nails haven't been bitten underneath the presson nails.

但是我觉得这件事上没这么简单 因为美甲下的指甲都没有咬过的痕迹

5. The nail polish from her room also matches the nail polish we found in the scratch marks on the victim's arm.

她房里的指甲油 也跟我们在受害人手臂上的抓痕里找到的指甲油吻合

6. If he's out, I'm not sure what we'll nail him on.

如果他退出了 我们还能逮到他吗

7. We knew it was him, but we couldn't nail him.

我们知道是他干的 但没证据给他定罪

8. You did it, and we're gonna nail him.

你做到了 我们一定会抓住他

9. And we'll both be nailed for covering it up.


10. But if he did it, I hope you nail him.

但如果是他做的 我希望你们搞定他



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

