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音标: 英 [ˈleŋkθənd]

v. (时间或空间)延长, 伸长( lengthen的过去式和过去分词 )

v make longer
v become long or longer
s drawn out or made longer spatially


1. A few weeks pass and the days are lengthening.

过了几个星期 白天开始变长

2. What, is't too short? I'll lengthen it with mine.

手太短了 加上我的就够长了

3. It's good for lengthening the brainwaves and calming me down.

有助於延長腦電波 讓我放鬆下來

4. If he would just do as I ask, and lengthen his step.

他要是能聽我的話 把步子邁大一點

5. They have all been considerably lengthened in the last five years.

在过去的5年里 它们全都大大地延长了

6. I'm saying, as you get older, your testicles lengthen.

我是说 变老了以后 会变长

7. Will lengthen its life, but may shorten yours.

可以延长保质期 但可能缩短你的寿命

8. As you exhale, see if you can lengthen out over that leg.

当你呼气的时候 看你能不能把腿伸长

9. You don't limp anymore because he paid to have your right leg lengthened.

你脚不跛了 也是因为他出钱给你的右腿做了延长手术

10. So I added a recommendation that the judge lengthen your restraining order against her.

于是我提了一个建议 让法官延长你对她的限制令期限



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

