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音标: 英 [təʊ] 美 [toʊ]

n. 足趾, 趾部, 脚趾
vt. 以趾踏触, 用脚尖走
vi. 动脚尖

n. one of the digits of the foot
n. the part of footwear that provides a covering for the toes
n. forepart of a hoof
n. (golf) the part of a clubhead farthest from the shaft


1. And we're touching our toes, touching our toes, touching our toes, touching our toes.

碰脚 碰脚 碰脚 碰脚

2. If I don't take his toes, then I'm known as the guy who says he's gonna take toes and then doesn't take toes.

如果我不切掉他的脚趾 那我就会成为 人们眼中出尔反尔 说切脚趾却不切的人

3. And then we go toe to toe for that roux.


4. When a donkey stubbed its toe, her toe hurt.

如果一只驴踢到了脚趾 她的脚趾也疼

5. You and I ain't never been in a room before, not toe to toe.

你我之前从未共处一室过 没有针锋相对过

6. You gotyou got a lady's toe where your big toe should be.


7. But this time, plant the heel, little toe mound, big toe mound.

但是这次 脚跟着地 小幅度抬起脚尖 小幅度抬起脚尖

8. Rory's done eyes, neck, ears, nose, head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

罗里整过眼睛 脖子 耳朵 鼻子 头 肩膀 膝盖和脚趾 膝盖和脚趾

9. Frank told me once, if you're up against someone bigger than you, someone you can't beat toe to toe, make 'em think you respect their size and then cut a deal that lets you walk out in one piece.

弗兰克告诉过我一次 如果你要对付一个比你强 不能跟他硬碰硬的人 让他们以为你顾忌他们的块头 然后达成协议 让自己全身而退

10. All you have to do, once in a while, is toe the line.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

