中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['kʊkərɪ] 美 [ˈkʊkərɪ]

n. 烹调法, 烹调术

n the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat


1. This is the only cookery course you'll ever need.


2. Not cookery, not restoring frescoes and not boats.

不是厨艺节目 不是修复壁画 更不是划船节目

3. This is the only cookery course you will ever need.


4. Welcome back to my ultimate cookery course.


5. But I decided once I got married, to go on a cookery course, so I did that.

但我决定婚后学习烹饪课程 所以就去了

6. Follow my ultimate cookery course, crammed with key lessons.

继续锁定我的终极烹饪教程 这里满是实用的核心课程

7. There's bike riding, hill station trek, and daily cookery demonstration.

包含骑自行车 高地别墅徒步 还有每日烹饪秀

8. Welcome to my ultimate cookery course, packed with cooking tips, information and 100 recipes to stake your life on.

欢迎来我的终极烹饪教程 这里有烹饪窍门和知识 以及让你受用一生的一百道食谱

9. Follow my ultimate cookery course crammed with key lessons, top tips and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef.

继续锁定我的终极烹饪教程 这里满是实用的核心课程 以及让你受用一生的一百道食谱 让你在练习中厨艺大增

10. Follow my ultimate cookery course packed with key lessons, top tips, and 100 recipes to stake your life on and you'll literally be cooking yourself into a better chef.

继续锁定我的终极烹饪教程 这里满是实用的核心课程 最棒的小贴士 以及让你受用一生的一百道食谱 让你在练习中厨艺大增



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

