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音标: 英 [kwɪns] 美 [kwɪns]

[医] ╂Т

n. small Asian tree with pinkish flowers and pear-shaped fruit; widely cultivated
n. aromatic acid-tasting pear-shaped fruit used in preserves


1. quince is not a problem for either you or your mom ever again.

昆斯永远都不能 为难你和 妈了

2. Word is, quince is still out there, laughing his ass off.

传闻说昆斯仍然在逃 他在得意地大笑

3. quince is a street thug trying to get out of prison.


4. quince has his number two running the operation while he's been in hiding.

昆斯藏起来的时候有他的手下 在帮他贩毒

5. And we'd love to bring you back the first quinces of the season.

我们也希望能 给你带回这个季节第一批柑橘

6. quince buys on credit, depends on sales to pay his debt.

昆斯全靠赊账 靠销售来还清债务

7. See if he has some quince paste or a handful of walnuts around here somewhere.

看看有沒有甜溫柏醬 或是核桃仁

8. And no matter what happens with this expansion, this will always be the place where we had your quince.

不管店铺扩张的事最后会怎样 这里都会是我们举办你 礼的地方

9. Ay, tu abuela and I, we had such a fun time planning my quince.

你外婆和我当时也愉快地策划我的 礼



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

