中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['faɪəpru:f] 美 [ˈfaɪrˌpruf]

a. 耐火的, 防火的
vi. 变成有耐火性

v. make resistant to fire
s. impervious to damage by fire


1. Get you some knowledge and you'll be fireproof.

学点知识 你就水火不侵了

2. I... I belong with you guys here in this sewer and not in some fireproof palace.

我是和你们一伙的 我属于这个下水道 而不是什么防火豪宅

3. Well, I guess you know the tail is fireproof.


4. Ah, it's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt.

不 这只是一个 忘记给 涂防火层的蠢蛋

5. The blast damaged the fireproof housing pretty badly, but the inside was intact.

防火外壳在爆炸中严重受损 但内部还是完整的

6. Unmanned remote cameras are rigged in fireproof boxes, made specially for the job.

无人遥控摄像机放在防火盒子里 这个装置是专为这项工作制作的

7. Our fences are made from a stateoftheart titanium alloy, which is fireproof, plierproof, tamperproof, foolproof.

我们的围栏是由最先进的钛合金制成 防火 防钳 防撬 简单易用

8. This is the practice of using steel rather than timber beams on concrete ceilings for fireproofing and longevity.

在混凝土天花板中使用钢筋 而不是木梁 可以防火并延长使用寿命

9. I'm repping a fireproof blanket that's gonna knock your socks off, but, uh, thanks a million, guys.

我要去宣传一个防火毯 你们绝对会无比吃惊 再次感谢



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