中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['wɜ:ldvju:] 美 ['wɜ:ldvju:]

n. 看; 视力; 观点; 目的


1. It's not your fault that your worldview is so limited.

也不能怪你 你的见识就是这么短浅

2. Negative worldview. I like where you're going with this.

消极的世界观 我喜欢你的看法

3. So I imbued the hosts I made with a worldview that reflected my own.

所以我给自己创造的接待员 灌输我自己的世界观

4. Phew. I questioned my whole worldview for a second there.


5. Luca's worldview has been beaten into him since he learned how to crawl.

卢卡刚开始学会爬 就开始被灌注这个世界观了

6. You feel entitled to educate others, but your own worldview is selfdefeatingly narrow.

你覺得自己有資格教育別人 但你的世界觀卻狹窄得自取其辱

7. That, coupled with her tendency to romanticize, well, it pushed her towards a certain worldview.

这一点加上她总爱把事情浪漫化的个性 让她有了一种特别的世界观

8. You people, you take anything you want, and you twist it around until it fits into your backwards ing worldview.

你们这些人断章取义 曲解成符合你们 落后世界观的意思

9. I think the point is that if there is a problem, it is with society, because that is the reason gay people are afraid to come out, it's the reason reparative therapy can exist, is because there is a culture, or there is a worldview, or there is a religious doctrine out there which speaks in a strong voice to condemn.

真要究其责任 我觉得应该是社会 因为这是同性恋害怕出柜的原因 也是修正治疗得以存在的原因 因为有这样一种文化 或是一种世界观 抑或一种宗教信条 它们会强烈谴责同性恋



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

