中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [әm]

int. 嗯(表示迟疑)


1. So, um, reconnecting with you has been so, um, unexpected.

那么 与你重归于好很让人 出乎意料

2. um... um... I'm a therapist. It's real.

我是心理医生 这是真实的

3. um, so this is... um, this is my bottle of lubricant.

这是... 这是我的润滑油

4. um, yeah, so I'mI'm covered, like, um, weekdays, um, but my shifts move around.

我工作日都很忙 但是我的班会调

5. um, anyway, hishis courtappointed attorney, um, said that if he could show that he was committed to continuing treatment here at this facility, um, that his sentence could be reduced.

无论如何 他的法院指定律师说 如果他能证明自己 肯在这里潜心接受治疗 就可以获得减刑

6. um, it's just, um, her bed hasn't been slept in.

只是 她的床好像没人睡过

7. And, um, you were a good boyfriend, and, um, I did love you.

你是个好男友 我确实爱过你

8. um, well, we're, um, planning a... a show.

这个嘛 我们在计划一场演出

9. Because, um, she's, um, she's not going anywhere ever.

因为 她... 会一直在这里 一直这样的

10. um, while we're doing that, just, um, one more issue.

在我们检查的同时 还有一件事



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

