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音标: 英 ['strɔ:bərɪ] 美 [ˈstrɔˌbɛrɪ]

n. 草莓

n. sweet fleshy red fruit
n. any of various low perennial herbs with many runners and bearing white flowers followed by edible fruits having many small achenes scattered on the surface of an enlarged red pulpy berry
n. a soft red birthmark


1. Sweating the strawberries down quickly and the caramel is breaking down, for a wonderful glaze on the strawberries.

草莓里的水分蒸发出来 焦糖被分解了 在草莓表面结成了漂亮的一层

2. Beautiful strawberries, but caramelised, almost like a very quick strawberry jam.

把美味的草莓溶在焦糖中 就像简易的草莓酱

3. Paul's challenged me to make some strawberry jam using a supermarket basic range strawberries.

保罗要我用超市买得到的 几种草莓做草莓酱

4. This one ells almost like the strawberry essence you put in to make a strawberry milkshake.

这朵玫瑰的香味和草莓香精相差无几 就是那种用来做草莓奶昔的

5. These are just the little white blossoms, and you know when you get a strawberry plant, it's got little strawberry blossoms on it, which are really cute.

这是些白色花朵 你看草莓植株 上面都会有草莓花 可爱极了

6. It's quite difficult, actually, because strawberries don't set very well in jam, so you've got to make sure that you've got the right kind of strawberry to get it to set, otherwise you end up with something that pours.

非常难 因为草莓果酱很难凝胶 你必须确保 你的草莓适合做果酱 才可能凝胶 否则果酱成品可能就成了汁水

7. So it comes down to the strawberries.


8. Okay, the strawberries didn't do anything to you.

好了 草莓可又没惹到你

9. Place it in a strawberry, then pour.

把戒指放进草莓里 然后倒酒

10. Do you like strawberries? I brought you some.

你喜欢草莓吗 我给你带了些



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