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音标: 英 [ˌpælpɪ'teɪʃən] 美 [ˌpælpɪˈteʃən]

n. 悸动, 跳动, 心跳
[医] 心悸, 心跳

n. a rapid and irregular heart beat


1. This is our lady with heart palpitations and a fractured femur.

这位小姐症状是 心悸加股骨骨折

2. You may be prone to febrile conditions palpitations, headaches.

你可能容易发烧 心悸 头疼

3. Your breasts and skin awaken and shiver with palpitating joy.

你的 和皮肤都被唤醒 因为阵阵袭来的愉悦而颤抖

4. Well, there is a murmur and some palpitations but no indication the disease is entering the tertiary phase.

虽然能听到一些心杂音和心悸 但还没有迹象表明病症发展到三期阶段

5. I've been known to experience dry mouth, perspiration, heart palpitations, and fainting.

众人皆知我会口干舌焦 满头大汗 心悸 以及昏厥

6. It's an atypically fast heartbeat that develops when and the frequency of the palpitations which overwhelmed your bladder.

这是心脏的正常电脉冲被扰乱 心跳的加快 从而使膀胱不堪重负

7. Yeah, this little guy got stunned flying into the lobby, but I gave him some gentle palpitations, and he's better now.

是的 这小家伙飞进厅里来了 受了惊吓 我帮它平复了下心情 它现在好多了



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

