中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 ['ʌn'baʊnd] 美 [ʌnˈbaʊnd]

a. 解脱束缚的, 自由的, 未装订的

a. not secured within a cover
a. not restrained or tied down by bonds
s. not held in chemical or physical combination


1. You'll be unbound when the job is done.

等任务完成 你就会解开链接

2. Its magic is eternal, unbound by time or place.

它的魔力永恒存在 不受时空所限

3. A vast otherdimensional realm unbound by anything but one's imagination.

一个庞大的异次元王国 不被任何事物束缚 只受限于人的想象力

4. Atticus unbound the book, and now you both must learn what was lost.

阿提库斯解开了书 现在你们俩必须明白失去了什么

5. The image of the self is free and independent offers a, if you think about it, a powerful liberating vision because what it says is that as free moral persons we are not bound by any ties of history or of tradition or of inherited status that we haven't chosen for ourselves, and so we're unbound by any moral ties prior to our choosing them.

人作为自由且独立的个体 展现出一幅强大自由的画面 因为它所表达的是 身为自由的道德人 我们不该被任何并非自己选择的 历史的纽带所束缚 也不被传统 和与生俱来的身份所约束 所以在选择之前 我们不被任何道德准绳所制约



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

