中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [rɪˈspɒnsɪv] 美 [rɪˈspɑnsɪv]

a. 回答的, 应答的, 易感应的

a. containing or using responses; alternating
a. readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli; showing emotion


1. Carroll is responsible, but I'm responsible too.

卡罗尔有责任 我也有责任

2. Your lives are mechanically programmed stimulus, response stimulus, response stimulus, response.

你们的生活就像是机械的程序 反应 反应 反应

3. I can't be held responsible. I'm not holding you responsible.

我不能为这事负责 我没让你负责

4. This is a very serious responsibility, and I am giving this responsibility to you.

队长的责任非常重大 现在我要把这个责任交给你

5. It's a blindness at odds with the full measure of responsibility which sometimes, he says, involves collective responsibility or responsibilities that may flow from historic memories.

这是一种和 高度责任感相冲突的盲目 而这一责任感 他认为 有时候涉及到了共同责任 或从历史记忆中传承下来的责任

6. Cardiac response is identical, as are all other physiological responses.

心脏反应完全相同 其他生理反应也完全相同

7. We're both responsible people. I'm a responsible pet owner.

我们都是负责任的人 我是负责任的宠物主人

8. I take responsibility, you take responsibility for your community.

你我都承担起责任 为了整个团体

9. Our leadership comes with responsibility, and it is our responsibility to act.

我们的领导要负责 我们有责任采取行动

10. As if I have no responsibility for what I did.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

