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音标: 英 [ˈstretʃə(r)] 美 [ˈstrɛtʃɚ]

n. 担架, 延伸器
[医] 担架

n. a wooden framework on which canvas is stretched and fixed for oil painting
n. a mechanical device used to make something larger (as shoes or gloves) by stretching it
n. a litter for transporting people who are ill or wounded or dead; usually consists of a sheet of canvas stretched between two poles


1. And talking of bad backs, number three of our rundown of healthandsafety nightmares is the hover stretcher, designed so the stretcherbearers don't have to bear the stretcher.

提到背不好 我们的健康安全噩梦的第三名就是气垫担架 本来是为了让担架手不用负荷担架重量而设计

2. Heard they carried him out on a stretcher.


3. Let's get her on the stretcher and to the chopper.


4. We'll need a stretcher, if you have one.

我们需要一个担架 如果有的话

5. They were on, uh, stretchers coming down this hallway.

他们当时躺在担架上 在走廊里被推走了

6. It ain't him I'm worried about getting out you on a stretcher.

我倒不担心他 只怕是你要上担架了吧

7. The trainer is on the field, and he's waving for the stretcher.

训练员进场了 他挥手叫拿担架

8. And from here to the hospital it is but a short walk or a stretcher ride.

从这里走几步就到医院 抬担架也很快

9. They're going to clear a path to get the stretcher through.


10. You got lucky, or you'd have gone home on a stretcher.

你真走运 不然你得躺在担架上回去



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

