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音标: 英 ['hɑ:vɪst] 美 [ˈhɑrvɪst]

n. 收获, 成果, 收获物, 收获期
v. 收割, 收获

n. the consequence of an effort or activity
n. the gathering of a ripened crop
n. the season for gathering crops
v. remove from a culture or a living or dead body, as for the purposes of transplantation


1. Those of you who don't starve of death will face him again next harvest and the harvest after that.

侥幸没有饿死的人 明年丰收期继续满足他 年复一年 永无休止

2. So once the mushrooms get to this sort of size, they're perfect for harvesting and it's really straightforward to harvest.

当蘑菇长到这个大小 就可以收获了 也很容易收获

3. The first one's really impressive and it's always beautiful to see the mushrooms growing for the first time, and then after around 10 days, you'd water it again and that just snaps it into action for the second harvest, and then once you've finished harvesting mushrooms from the kit, you're actually left with a really nutrientrich compost.

第一波非常给人印象深刻 能看到那么多蘑菇一起长出来真的很美妙 十天之后 再次浇水 立马就能收获第二波了 当你从元件里将蘑菇收获完毕 剩下的都是非常有营养的肥料

4. Their harvest was here, the reaping was here.

他们的收获仪式在这里 收割仪式也在这里

5. They'll have the same security, even more than the harvesters did.

给他们的保护 会比收粮食的人更周全

6. The jicama harvest. I forgot about that.

收获豆薯 我都忘了这个

7. The harvest was working before it was stopped.

她说收获祭确实起了作用 直到被中断

8. The harvest is incomplete, and if they don't finish it, it's over.

仪式没有完成 如果没有完成 就都结束了

9. You're not as powerful as you once were, harvest girl.

你并不像之前那么强大了 收获祭女孩

10. That's why you're going in the harvest chamber with them.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

