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音标: 英 [si:] 美 [si]

n. 海, 海洋, 海浪, 大量
[法] 海, 海洋

n. a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
n. turbulent water with swells of considerable size


1. Sustenance for the sea, from the sea.

为了出海准备的食物 都是海鲜

2. The sea is 100, well, this is the sea.

大海离这有160公里 虽然这也是海

3. You are in a world of trouble from sea to shining sea.


4. Let me tell you, before me, they were at sea, at bloody sea.

我告诉你 我去之前 那里可真是乱得很

5. Unlike the open ocean, the seas surrounding these 100 or so islands are bursting with life, with many creatures you wouldn't expect to find in tropical seas, like these sea lions.

和远洋海域不同 这百余座岛屿附近的海域 生机勃勃 甚至有在热带海域中 并不常见的动物 比如海狮

6. She's looking over this sea, as she describes it, a sea of whiteness and maleness.

她看着人山人海 正如她描述的那样 全是白人和男性

7. And with its wings, it made the sea rough and it caused the sea to rise.

用它的翅膀搅动海水 让大海波涛汹涌 让海平面不断上升

8. Well, I figured if I couldn't take you to the sea, then I'd bring a piece of the sea to you.

我想如果我没法带你去海边 那就带一些海边的东西给你

9. The best way to enjoy sea urchins is of course straight from the sea.

品尝海胆的最佳方式 自然是生吃刚捡上来的海胆

10. I would think it would have been people who were used to the sea and brought up on the sea and knew how to handle boats.

我觉得应该是一些在海边长大 熟悉水性 懂得驾船技巧的人



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

