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音标: 英 [stɔ:m] 美 [stɔ:rm]

n. 暴风雨, 骚动, 风波, 风暴, 猛攻
vi. 起风, 猛冲, 怒吼
vt. 猛攻

n. a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning
n. a violent commotion or disturbance
n. a direct and violent assault on a stronghold
v. take by force


1. is a lesson in being the calm in the storm but not the storm.

学习在暴风中保持冷静 而不是变成暴风

2. And your father and I have weathered storm after storm.


3. Nearly di asted in a storm a storm you chased after.

桅杆差点在风暴中被折断 而你是自愿去追逐这场风暴

4. It's like the perfect storm, if the storm was made of shit.

简直像一场暴风雨 刮来的全是屎尿屁

5. This is where we will see the storm surge, storm winds.

這裏是暴風雨的源頭 風暴

6. They basically got their lodgings for the evening and a terrible storm started, and just as the terrible storm started they started having sex, and the more they got into having sex with one another the more the storm raged, and there was lightning and the windows were rattling.

晚上 她们在旅馆投宿 一场大风暴来袭 就在风暴开始的同时 她们开始 她们越是沉浸于鱼水之欢当中 暴风雨就刮得越猛烈 闪电照亮了夜空 玻璃窗吱吱作响

7. Now, normally the wind speeds within the jet stream are around 100 to 150mph but last winter, the speeds reached almost 300mph so that's twice the normal speed and the jet stream was heading straight towards us and it was this which delivered storm after storm after storm so quickly, one after the other.

一般来说急流中的风速一般在 每小时160到241千米 但是去年冬天 速度差不多到了每小时482千米 是正常速度的两倍 而且急流是直接朝着我们这里来的 这样暴风雨就会 在很短的时间内 接踵而至

8. Looking back, it was like a calm before the storm, a really big storm.

回首往事 就像暴风雨前的宁静 一场真正的暴风雨

9. This is a transitional storm system, which means it's guaranteed to be an absolutely perfect storm.

这次的风暴是一轮接一轮的 也就是说 这次的风暴绝对会极其严重

10. Sunspots can cause the biggest and most damaging space storms, solar storms, that occur.

太阳黑子能够引起有史以来最剧烈 并最具破坏性的太空风暴 即太阳风暴



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

