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音标: 英 [ˌæpəˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˌæpəˈleʃən]

n. 名称, 称号
[法] 称呼, 名称, 名目

n. identifying word or words by which someone or something is called and classified or distinguished from others


1. Counsel for the appellant, you may proceed.

上诉人辩护律师 请发言

2. An unlikely appellation based on your physique.

看你的体型 这名字不太相符

3. In front of our legions, you should use the formal appellations.

在我们的军团面前 你应该使用正式的称谓

4. Counsel for the appellant, you have four minutes for rebuttal.

控方律师 你有四分钟时间进行反驳

5. I guess an appellate court granted him a new trial.


6. A somewhat florid appellation, but I've grown to see the humor in it.

也就是华丽的称谓而已 但是我已经可以看到个中幽默之处

7. The appellate attorneys, they gotta find a loophole that what they did, it's not legal.

上诉律师 会发现他们行为中的漏洞 找到违法之处

8. But two months ago, he was appointed to the federal appellate.

但两个月前 他被派到联邦上诉法院

9. When you appeal it, when you ain't got no money, then they give you appellate attorneys.

上诉的时候如果没有钱 那他们就会给你指派上诉律师

10. 14 longstanding vacancies on the federal appellate bench it's a national embarras ent.

联邦上诉法庭上 14个席位长期空缺 这是国家之耻



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

