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音标: 英 [rəʊst] 美 [rost]

n. 烤肉, 烘烤, 嘲笑
a. 烘烤的, 烤过的
vt. 烤, 炙, 烘焙, 嘲笑
vi. 烤, 炙, 烘焙

n. a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portion
v. cook with dry heat, usually in an oven
s. (meat) cooked by dry heat in an oven


1. Crown roast of lamb, roasted potatoes, and baby carrots.

皇冠烤羊排 烤土豆 小胡萝卜

2. I made an enormous deal about a pig roast, so we are roasting a pig.

我好不容易争取到可以烤猪 我们一定要烤猪

3. We sell roast pork, roast beef, uh, Italian sausage.

我们出售种类有烤猪肉 烤牛肉 和意大利香肠

4. You, of course, will be killed by roast beef sandwich roast beef sandwich.

而你肯定会被烤牛肉三明治 烤牛肉三明治杀死的

5. Oh, nobody warned me this roast would treat me the same way as every roast I've seen and laughed at.

怎么没人告诉我 这个吐槽节目跟我嘲笑过的 其他吐槽节目一样捉弄我

6. 太阳报王室记者 kind of stodgy, you know, suet pudding and roast beef and roast potatoes.

艾米丽·安德鲁斯 那种油腻的饮食 比如牛油布丁 烤牛肉 还有烤土豆

7. Obviously, that's why you're roasting it, cos when it's green coffee, there's no flavour at that point, so we do the roasting process and that ends up bringing the flavour out.

我们烘烤咖啡豆的原因显而易见 因为生咖啡豆没有任何味道 所以我们要通过烘焙 使咖啡的风味可以体现出来

8. We have a roast master, and that's my boss.

有个烘焙主管 那是我老板

9. I'd have roasted a goose, had a few flowers for you.

我就会给你们烤一只鹅 再买点鲜花

10. And the three bishops I roasted before him.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

