中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [tʃeə(r)] 美 [tʃɛr]

n. 椅子, 显要的席位, 主席
vt. 使入座, 使就任要职

n. a seat for one person, with a support for the back
n. a particular seat in an orchestra
v. act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university


1. So I don't care if he's first chair, second chair, third chair, fourth chair.

所以我不管他是首席律师 次席律师 第三席还是第四席

2. Where's your chair? I didn't get a chair.

你怎么没坐椅子 没人让我坐椅子

3. Everyone else has a chair, I want a chair.

这里的大家都有椅子 我也要椅子

4. Tom, sit in the chair, sit in the chair.

汤姆 坐在椅子上 坐在椅子上

5. I'll just... sit I'll get you a chair. I'll get you a chair.

我坐... 我去給你拿凳子

6. Big sectional here and chair or like sofa and two chairs.

放套组合沙发 再放上椅子或沙发加两把椅子

7. Pro tip always handcuff people to the chair, not just in the chair.

专业建议 要把人铐在椅子上 不能只铐住坐在椅子上

8. I even moved a chair to cover a stain, but what was under the chair was so much worse.

我甚至还搬动了张椅子去档污渍 结果那张椅子原来位子底下更让人无法直视

9. In the evening, my wife will sit on that chair and I get the arm chair.

晚上我妻子就会坐在那张椅子上 而我就能坐在扶手椅上

10. We all know we're not gonna buy the chair, but we take turns pretending we're gonna buy the chair.

我们家是肯定不会买那椅子的 但我们可以轮流假装要买



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

