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音标: 英 [ˌɪnə'tentɪvnɪs] 美 [ˌɪnə'tentɪvnɪs]


n. a lack of attentiveness (as to children or helpless people)
n. the trait of not being considerate and thoughtful of others


1. He's either lazy and inattentive, or he's involved with these people.

他要么很懒很大意 要么就是跟这些人有关联

2. Well, it could've been, uh, some inattention. II wouldn't rule that out.

他可能是有些 分心 我觉得不该排除这原因

3. I found a general lack of enthusia inattention to detail.

我发现他们普遍缺乏热情 不注意细节

4. The killer is trying to spark a national dialogue about the dangers of inattentional blindness.

凶手试图激发起一场 关于无意视盲危险性的全国性讨论

5. See, infidelity is one kind of sin, but my true failure was inattention.

背叛婚姻确实是罪 但是我的原罪是漠然

6. It's an unsettling phenomenon called inattentional blindness that can affect us all.

这种可能波及我们所有人的可怕现象 叫做无意视盲

7. I don't think that was inappropriate due to the fact that his inattention almost killed a child.

我觉得这没什么不合适 因为他的疏忽差点害死一个孩子

8. I was tired, I was fatigued, it was a moment's inattention, viciously leaked from I don't know where, and I'm facing a confidence motion.

我当时精疲力倦 心不在焉 不知道怎么就发了那条信息 现在他用那条信息来陷害我了

9. You still run the risk of infection, a blood clot, the possibility that an inattentive surgeon let a barn spider lay eggs in your nose.

你还有可能手术感染 出现血栓 还有手术疏忽使得蜘蛛爬进 你的鼻子产卵的风险

10. They are going to go out from the experiment, you know, walk to the next place they're going or something like that and they're going to have just as much inattentional blindness when they're walking down the street that afternoon as they did before.

他们做完实验后 去其它他们要去的地方 当他们下午走在街上时 他们会带着与做实验前 相同的无意盲视



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

