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音标: 英 ['splendə] 美 [ˈsplɛndɚ]

n. 光辉, 壮丽, 显赫

n a quality that outshines the usual
n the quality of being magnificent or splendid or grand


1. You're just jealous I'll be off gallivanting in splendor.


2. Yeah, the moon is there, boy, in all its splendor.

月亮近在眼前 同志们 非常壮观夺目

3. And the haves, they weathered the storm in comfort and splendor.

富人们 他们在舒适中渡过难关

4. You were supposed to spend your days in romantic splendor with your true love.

你该和你的真爱 双宿双飞去啊

5. I want to ensure you go out the way you should go out splendor, accolades, flowers at your feet.

我想确保你能以你应有的方式登场[出去] 光彩照人 踏着鲜花 沐浴在掌声中

6. Seeing it today is aweinspiring, but imagine how striking it must have looked when it was completed, nearly 2,500 years ago, in all its carved and brilliantly painted splendor.

今天依然令人敬畏 想象下神庙在将近2500年前完工时 其精雕细琢的雕塑和流光溢彩的釉色 曾是何等壮观的景象

7. The silver light turned every blade of grass and every particle of sand into a luminous metallic splendor; there was nothing, however all, that did not clash in the bright wind, that did not send arrows of light through the glassy air.

银色的光洒在每一根草上 每一粒砂上 泛出熠熠金属般的光泽 周遭万物 无论多么渺小 都沐浴在这明亮的风中 向通透明澈的天空 射出光芒之箭



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

