中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE

音标: 英 [ɪ'meʒərəblɪ] 美 [ɪ'meʒərəblɪ]

adv. 不可测量地, 无限地, 广大无边地

r. to an immeasurable degree; beyond measurement


1. The happiness these paintings brought her was immeasurable.


2. But our world has grown immeasurably overnight.


3. When it led me to a co ic being of immeasurable power, that was just programming.

当它指引我找到一个具有无穷力量的宇宙生物 那只是安排

4. I've seen these things go on and on, and the burden of these battles is immeasurable.

我见过这种事情没完没了地拖下去 而这种争斗所造成的负担是无法估量的

5. Being torn between the two has only brought both of you an immeasurable amount of pain and suffering.

在两者之间无法选择 给你们俩 都带来了不可估量的痛苦和折磨

6. Now, I demand retribution for the immeasurable harm done to myself and to my pocketbook.

现在 我强烈要求 对我自身及我的财富造成不可计量的 伤害而进行赔偿

7. I know another whose joy in seeing it will be immeasurable.

我还知道个人 要是看见了要高兴死了

8. We are descendants of the gods and we will fight with the same immeasurable courage and vigor.

我们是诸神的后代 必须带着同样无穷的勇气与气势战斗

9. If any of our troops get killed by soldiers we trained, the blowback will be immeasurable.

如果我们的军队被我们训练的士兵杀了 后果将不堪设想

10. Beneath the ironandrust exterior beats the heart of a man swimming in immeasurable grief.

铮铮铁骨的外表之下 跳动着一颗无限悲恸的心



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

