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音标: 英 [əˈfɪʃl] 美 [əˈfɪʃəl]

n. 官员, 公务员, 职员
a. 公务的, 官方的, 正式的

n. a worker who holds or is invested with an office
n. someone who administers the rules of a game or sport
a. having official authority or sanction
a. of or relating to an office


1. You're officially a teenager, and we're officially a team again.

你正式成为青少年了 我们的队伍正式回归了

2. Well, he is officially out of contact and he is officially missing.

他现在正式失联了 也就是正式失踪了

3. Yeah, I guess that means we're officially... official.


4. I'm guessing you people aren't prison officials or anything official.

我猜你们不是监狱官员 也不是什么别的官员

5. I am a coalition official, senior official on coalition business.

我是联盟官员 处理联盟事宜的高级官员

6. When we walk out those doors, we have no official orders, no official sanctions, no protection, no cover.

一旦我们从这些门出去 我们没有官方指令 没有官方的批准 没人保护 没有掩护

7. I just have to wait for someone official to officially release me, and then I can take this off.

我得等官方人员 正式放我出院 然后我才能摘掉这个

8. You guys are officially bestselling authors, and you officially owe me a second book.

你们现在是畅销书作家了 也该再拿本书给我了

9. The reason I refused to accept any official police credit is that once I allow it, there's no official line as to where it stops.

我拒绝接受任何警方官方嘉奖的原因 就是我一旦允许其发生了 这事就没有个头了

10. If I do, I'll request it officially.

如果有需要 我会提出正式申请



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

